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Kirby Keita

Associate Minister | Motivational Speaker


Her path to philanthropy began when she was called to begin Faith In Action For Single Mothers (FIAFSM) in 2006, an organization that she started for single mothers when she was the Director of Youth at Valleybrook Outreach Church in Pelzer, South Carolina. Her goal was to get to the root of the problems that many of our youth experience. She found that many of our single mothers were working hard with no support so she made it her duty to help them build and spiritually reconnect through sisterhood, mutual support, fellowship and sharing the Gospel. 


Kirby has connected with missionaries who serve internationally as well as locally. The mission has helped feed, educate, and relocate families, orphans, widows, and homeless mothers and their children in Greenville all the way to the Ivory Coast — who have suffered from genocide and civil war. Their goal is to help them reach their basic necessities such as food, shelter, and a way of living while spiritually reconnecting through the Gospel. 


Outside of her ministry work, Kirby built her professional career as a chemist in the Quality Control Division at Nutra Manufacturing, a private labeler of dietary supplements. With no chemistry experience or degree, Kirby was able to leave a 30 year and counting legacy at Nutra Manufacturing.

"When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness."


- Proverbs 31:26



By empowering women through faith to be guided by the Holy Spirit — Kirby hopes to enable women all over the world to live out their purpose through daily motivation, sharing testimonies, encouraging spiritual education, and spreading the Word of God.



To help women all over the world make positive changes and connections that promote spiritual, mental, and physical well-being through fellowship and the Word of God.​ 


To spiritually reconnect mothers to the Family of God and empower them to make positive changes that promote spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.


To widely address and assist with alleviating the poverty crisis that many single mothers often experience. 


FAITH In Action.


PEACE Of Mind, Body, And Soul.


STRENGTH Through The Word Of God.


GROWTH Through Jesus Christ The Lord. 

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