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  • Writer's pictureTaiwana McKinney

Never Comfortless

Have you ever woken up and felt down and out, or frustrated, about where you were in life? Well you are not alone. A couple of Mondays ago I felt the same way. But this particular day I woke up feeling stuck, limited, and restricted by the season I was in. Before I made another move to get out of bed, I started to seek for and hear from the Lord. I took the time to tell Him how I was really feeling and to let Him know that I really needed to hear from Him. Not that He didn’t already know, but just to keep it real with myself. Besides, "He tells us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us". 1 Peter 5:7 NKJ. I receive a daily prophetic devotional e-mail Marsha and Bill Burns. That was the first place I was led to. No, this time I did not reach for my Bible. Sometimes, God will speak to us through others.

The devotion read as follows: “You are capable of doing extraordinary things regardless of the restrictions you have to deal with. Do not become a victim of your circumstances or external conditions. You are still you and I never change. With my help you can accomplish all that I have set before you and I will show you the possibilities available. Stay close.”

Wow! After reading this devotional I was instantly reminded of how available the Lord is to us and how He is ever present with us. He has an on time word for our every season. We can call on Him not just when we are happy and when things are going our way, but when we’re down and out, too. John 14:18 says “I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you.” He will meet you right where you are. At every call He is listening, and He hears. “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." When I hear the word comforter, I think of the comforter that goes on a bed. I think of how warm, soft, cozy, comforting, and secure it makes you feel. We all need comfort at some time or another. Comfort is one of our 10 basic emotional needs. A comforter is one who brings comfort, gives strength, hope, support, and encouragement. I needed some encouragement because I felt like I had lost something, my autonomy, my freedom to go and do as I please, my freedom to go serve at the church when they need volunteers, my freedom to go pray with someone who need prayer, my freedom to go visit the sick, my freedom to go to a job and bring encouragement to a coworker. I no longer had the availability to go and do these things because I have to stay home and care for my mom. Don’t get me wrong. I count it a blessing to be able to care for my mom, but I felt that doing just that wasn’t enough. I needed to get out and do more. I felt I wasn’t making a difference in the Kingdom for the Lord. But the Lord let me know that caring for my mom was just as important to Him as me going out to do service for others. This is my assignment in this season, and He has already equipped and prepared me for it, including the good days and the challenging days. Now He has given me the opportunity to not only take care of my mom but to call and pray for and minister to our church members who request it, to call and check up on members in the mist of the pandemic and encourage them, and weekly deliver food to the church to help feed those who are in need. And this is just the beginning. I can’t wait to see all the possibilities God has in store for me next! Even with everyone returning to work and cities opening back up, I still have the privilege to serve God and others right from home. Thank you, Lord, for showing me your perspective on this season of my life!

As I am finishing up this blog Pentecost Sunday is ending. Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of Jesus and other believers. The Holy Spirit is another Comforter we have John 14:16 Amp. “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) to be with you forever.” As you seek the Lord in whatever season you’re in may His sweet Holy Spirit be your comfort, your peace, your joy, your counselor, your strength, your encourager, your whatever you need Him to be!

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