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  • Writer's pictureTaiwana McKinney

Abounding Love

This scripture invites us to Love God with everything we have and to love our neighbor as our self. It is simple: Love God Love People! It reminds me of a song by singer/songwriter Israel Houghton titled Love God Love People. The chorus says "Love God, Love People. Love my neighbor as myself. My brother, my sister. Everybody love somebody." I am sure this scripture was in mind when this song was written. But who is our neighbor? Our neighbor is not just the person in the house or apartment next door. Our neighbors certainly extend beyond those who are in our neighborhood.

One definition that Merriam-Webster Dictionary give is fellowman, fellow human being, a person other than yourself. So, your neighbor is basically anyone you meet, be it in the grocery store, at the bus stop, on your job, at the mall, at church, and even the homeless person you pass by as you walk down the street.

Applying this scripture can be very challenging if you don’t love yourself (we will talk about this in another blog). But if you do love yourself, you will act and carry yourself in a loving, caring, and compassionate way. You won’t look the other way when someone is in need. You won’t look down on someone when they have fallen on bad times. You won’t criticize people when they are living a different lifestyle than you. You won’t hold a grudge or unforgiveness when someone has mistreated or hurt you. You won’t ignore people when they ask you for help. You will be kind, approachable, nice, graceful, and merciful. You will say hello and give a smile when you encounter others regardless of what they look like and where they come from. Our scripture today is part of a story we know as the Good Samaritan. It shows the ultimate act of kindness between two different people from two different backgrounds whose cultures traditionally despised each other (see Luke 10:25-37).

Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (NIV)

We will always have the opportunity to be a good neighbor and associate in a neighborly way. As a matter of fact, verse 9 of Galatians 6 tells us not to grow weary (get tired) in doing good. Many years ago, an elderly neighbor of mine passed away. Her son (who was living with her at the time of her passing) continued to live in the house on a limited income. On Thanksgiving that year, I learned that he did not have power, but he did have heat. I did not have money to pay his bill ( I was a single parent/one income household) but had a desire to do something for him. We traditionally did not eat at home on Thanksgiving, but I always cooked a full meal at home. So, it was impressed upon my heart to carry him a plate. He was elated! (If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one.-Mother Theresa) Although we no longer live in that neighborhood, we continue to carry him a Thanksgiving plate every year. It has been 15 years and he still looks forward to it every year. He calls us his peops (or peeps). My husband and I also sponsor a child in Haiti. It brings us such joy to be able to help a neighbor so many miles away.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?"-Martin Luther King, Jr.

.Mr. Rogers on quoting his mom "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." Will someone looking find you helping?

I challenge you today to look for opportunities to abound in love and be a good neighbor. It is what we are called to do.

Heavenly Father forgive us for those times that we were presented with an opportunity to act in a neighborly way and we chose not to. We ask that you create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us so that we will treat others the way we would have them to treat us. The way You would have us to treat them. May we have keen discernment to recognize those who are in need of help but are too afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. In Jesus’ name Amen!

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Taiwana McKinney
Taiwana McKinney
Dec 17, 2019

Awesome Ms. V. I hope you have an opportunity to share this blog with your acquaintance. Have a great day!


Ms. V
Ms. V
Dec 17, 2019

Beautiful Blog this morning Sis. Taiwana on relationships! I've been having a hard time explaining this to an acquaintance of mine. People forget to understand that our relationship with the LORD is more important than our relationship with one another. We can't have a fruitful relationship with each and a strained relationship with Him. LOVE THIS!!!

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