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  • Writer's pictureMs. V

BYE 2019...HEY 2020!

And just like that…BOOM, IT’S 2020!!!

Hello Ladies, Sisters in Christ! I rejoice with you in this season of our lives. I’m EXCITED to see the great work that Yahweh will do in our personal lives, in our relationships, our faith, and our finances. For I know He will use this blog to show forth His awesomeness! His amazingness! His glory!


JOIN ME! As I start a new 21 day challenge on Jan. 6.

It’s an Emergency Fund Challenge. If you haven’t heard, an emergency fund is a stash of money set aside to cover the financial surprises life throws your way. It’s very important to have an emergency fund in place for unexpected issues. These unexpected events can be stressful and costly. You may have an unexpected car repair or home repair, a medical or dental expense.

Personally, I’m embarking on a “Baby Emergency Fund Savings Challenge” for 2020. It’s goal is $1000, with is a much lower than an regular emergency fund. At a minimum, a regular fund should be three months of living expenses. This means if you need $3,000 a month to cover your basic needs like your mortgage or rent, utilities, gas, and food, then you need $9,000 in your emergency fund.

My ‘baby’ challenge with consist of me, us (if you decide to join me) saving $1 day for 21 days straight. It starts the first Monday of each month. Oh, don’t concern yourself if you’re not able to join in Jan. LORD willing, they’ll be 11 more months to take part in.

Remember its $1 a day for 21 DAY...STARTING MONDAY, JAN 6, 2020!!!!



Watch the LORD grow our faith. The Almighty will strengthen our faith and work out our finances in 2020. Faith without works is dead. Let’s see the power of God break strongholds and generational curses in our lives.

In the Book of Romans, 4th chapter, Paul tells us that Abraham, being not weak in faith; He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform. and therefore, it was imputed to him for righteousness. Romans 4:20,21

Let us believe the truth of God’s word will sustain us as we travel into the unknown, blinded with His hand leading us the way.


Blessings and Love,

Ms. V


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Taiwana McKinney
Taiwana McKinney
30 ธ.ค. 2562

Awesome blog and challenge Ms. V. It doesn't matter how big or small you start just as long as you start. Small steps over a period of time equal success!!

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