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  • Writer's pictureTaiwana McKinney

Trust Him!

Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amplified) “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight and or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way)”.

Trust- firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something. A person or thing in which confidence is placed. Merriam Webster Dictionary.

Pastor Tony Evans said “Trust is to lie down on. To put your entire weight on something (when you lie down on your bed at night because you believe its strong enough to hold you.”

Entering the end of 2020, I kept hearing in my spirit Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean or rely on your own understanding.” This scripture is certainly not new to me as I have relied on it many times throughout my life. I believe that as we go through life, if we are listening, God will give seasonal words. This is one of the ways that He directs, lead, and guide us. Through His word. I believe that it a word for this season.

Not only have I been hearing it in my own spirit, but I have read many inspirational blogs and articles over the last couple of weeks that have made reference to this scripture as well. Clearly God is telling us that in spite of all we have endured and gone through and are still going through He just wants us to trust Him. Regardless of what we go through or what it looks like or what it seems like, He is still sovereign, and He can get us through to victory. He is the one that can move obstacles and make a roadway in what seems like the wilderness.

In my study time I ran across a question in Tony Evans’s Study Bible “Why is trust necessary to live according to God’s Kingdom Agenda? As I pondered this question, the answer that came to me was that because we can’t see the future, we don’t know His plans, we don’t have all the answers, we can’t see everything and sometimes our spiritual vision in distorted by past hurt, pain, disappointments and regrets and we just simply have limited knowledge about our own selves and the world we live in. But our God knows all and sees all, thus He has the power and authority to give us the guidance and direction we need if we would just trust Him. After all, as a child of God it is necessary for us to walk this Christian walk with trust in the true and living God. Putting your trust in God is a way forward. Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”. He’s the one that will give us guidance and direction if we just seek Him and patiently wait on Him to gently lead us to the next step. When we don’t trust Him, we began to depend on our own limited understanding and that’s when worry, fear, and doubt will begin to creep in; the very things that will hinder our walk and journey in the kingdom of God. Proverbs 4:7 tells us "in all our getting to get understanding" but it is referring to God's understanding not our own understanding.

So, how do we begin to put our trust in a God we can’t tangibly see when the world around us seem to be going topsy turvy?

First of all, we don’t need to worry. If we’re worrying, we’re not trusting. We must be intentional and decide to trust Him. Next, we must watch what we think and focus on. We should not focus on thoughts of rejection, fear or anxiety. We have to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. Next, we should get into His word. Every time you get into the word, to study and memorize it, you strengthen your sword for the fight against the enemy. Lastly, we need to replace negative thoughts with the word of God. Let me encourage you to start the year out with the decision to trust God in everything. You can’t go wrong. Happy New Year!!!

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