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  • Writer's pictureKirby Keita

God Got You

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

He won't let you fall

As we look among us, there is turmoil every way we turn. Where do we began to rebuild? one may ask; we have the corona virus, police brutality, natural disasters, and shady politics on one hand then we have broken marriages, rebellious children, and lack of education on the other hand. it seems as though we may be falling apart.

In the book of Jude 1:24 reads "Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.

Have you, or someone you know ever fallen into despair wondering how you were going to climb your way back up?

When I was six years old, my oldest brother took me on my very first ride at an amusement park, he being eleven years older than me, wanted to make sure I knew what it was like to have fun since our parents were getting up in age, I had so much fun, that going to amusement parks became our hang out place, but once in my twenties I met the ride that would be my last . Yeah, we were at Six flags over Georgia, and my big brother wanted me to try this new ride called the Free Fall. I was so proud to spend time with him until I really didn't notice the extent of this ride, how big it was or how fast it was. Isn't that the way life is at times that we don't really pay attention what we are walking into, or about to get into. we just ignore the signs. I was just glad to be with him, anyway going up in the elevator to take us to our seat was really slow. we were able to look over the entire park as we were going up as everything began to get smaller and smaller. Isn't that the way humans get sometimes; as we pursue that big ladder of success everybody becomes smaller and smaller. But once we got to the top to of the ride to take our seat, it then hit me that we were about to go down which would be a 100 ft drop within 2 seconds. just that quick fear, doubt ,and worry had kicked. within a split second my whole life had flashed in front of me, isn't that the way it is when we feel like we are falling? falling with our finances, falling into depression, falling into sickness and disease. I immediately took my eyes off of big brother and began to focus and meditate on Jesus the author and finisher of my faith, and within that split second He began to calm my fears.

I then knew that I would be alright and that He will get me safely through. even though 2 seconds seemed like eternity, we endured to the end, and just remember that this Christian race is not to the strongest or the quickest, but to the one who endures to the end.

To God our Savior, who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now forever more. Jude 1:25

Verse 24 of Jude starts with the adverb Now, telling us to come into the present. forgetting those things behind and press forward to the higher calling. To come into the present, so that you can get into his presence. The enemy comes but to still, kill,and destroy. Identity theft didn't start during the credit card era, but it started in the garden of Eden. Identity theft started with Satan; But God gave you identity before you were in your mother's womb, and He told you that You were fearfully and wonderfully made. Your mama and daddy didn't give you your identity but God gave it to you. and this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away.

What He started in you, He is more than capable to finish it.

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