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  • Writer's pictureMs. V

Faith over Finances.

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Happy Monday Moms!

How are you?

Seriously, during this pandemic, how are you sis?

Were you laid off, furloughed? Were your work hours reduced?

Is your faith wavering? Has your finances failed?

Be encouraged sis, our Heavenly Father is able to sustain us during this global pandemic and keep our finances in perfect order. Don't worry anything but pray about everything.

I experienced the faithful of God in March 2018 when my health came under attack. They unexpected entered my life. Unlimited doctors appointments. An 8 wk leave of absence, and soon to follow... A layoff.

The year before I had selected my health benefits during our annual open enrollment. I also elected for STD (Short Term Disability), which provided weekly or monthly funds that replaces your normal income when you have to miss extended amount of time from work.

Some employer's provide company paid STD. Which mean we, you and I, do not have a premium deducted from paycheck each pay cycle. Those employer's are the GOAT (Greatest of ALL Time).

As I was preparing to take my medical leave on May 14, my job annouced on May 11 that our project was ending July 31. My job was ending, I was having major surgery, and my big brother had died March 2017. I had somewhat of an understanding of what Job said in Job 13, 15

But God.

While others were panicing and worrying, I was praising the LORD because I knew my health issue did not catch Him off guard. He was already there in it with me, helping me go through it.

He had already prepared me to save my finances and eleminate some debts before my leave was active. My car was paid off 2 years early. My car insurance was paid 3 months up-to-date. My bills paid 2 months in advance. He had established to keep me in perfect peace during my 8 week LOA.

Little did I know is that my last of being on leave was my official last day as an employee. My job had decided to end our job much earlier than annouced. I was able to immediately apply for unemployment.

But God.

The LORD did not leave me without. He had all things worked out for my good. My job was to be responsible with the fiances He provided. Had I been reckless of mishandling what He provided, this testimony would be a complete disaster. But because I was obedient, He remained faithful.

The greatest blessing came when I received my surgery bill.

Charged $54,000 (MY LORD)

Paid by Insurance $53,000!!!


Reflect during this pandemic of how the LORD God has been faithful to you and to those you love. Grow in grace sis, and in the power of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Blessings and Love,


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