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  • Writer's pictureKirby Keita

The Ark of Safety

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

I was reading the book of Joshua and in chapter 2, the story of a woman by the name of Rehab caught my attention. Rehab was a sinful woman, a prostitute, and lived in a city called Jericho.

All the people in the city of Jericho heard about Joshua and his troops possessing the land as Joshua sent two spies to survey the city. Joshua was careful and had a strategic plan to conquer the land, so the spies approached Rehab's house.

Rehab remembered the story of Moses when he led the children of God out of bondage when they were in Egypt – and now that Joshua was their new leader, having been instructed by God to enter a new land for the children of God – Rehab was ready to receive them because she believed in the power of God.

Rehab hid the spies and kept them out of harm's way as they scoped out the city. She then began to bargain with the spies, and asked if they would save her family – her mother, father, brothers, and sisters – and they told her if she did not exposed them to their enemy then her household would be saved.

Many times as mothers, we do not realize that when we have an encounter with Christ – that He is not only reaching out to us but to our entire family. Yes, God wants the entire family saved and protected, He wants the entire household to be blessed and covered.

This story reminds me of the encounter I had with Jesus when He met me in my mess. I knew about his resurrection power and was in awe of Him but never thought He had any use for me. I realized how much I needed him while trying to raise two boys on my own with a high school diploma. But all He needed was me to be a vessel for him and he would handle the rest.

I asked Him to save my house. My son whose always getting into trouble and my son who was always longing for his father. I asked Him if He could help me with that.

So, I put all of my trust in Him. He is my Lord and my savior and that is exactly what the world needs today – a savior - and we have one, Jesus Christ our Lord. Now I am in relationship with him. Not only do I trust him, but now He can trust me to do what He asks of me.

Now that my family is safe and secure in the master's hand, I can be about God's business to share the gospel with other families – that God will reach way down, and pick you up if you believe and receive Him as your Lord and Savior.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9

The spies told rehab that the only way that her entire family would be saved when the army comes through is that they all be in her house. They told her that her house will not be destroyed but if any member is out side of the house, they will not be saved.

We must teach God's word to our family that His word may be hidden in their hearts.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. - Matthew 24:35

Do you trust Christ to save your household today?

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