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  • Writer's pictureKirby Keita

The Power of Family

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

When we define the concept of family, we will find that there are many definitions including the unit in society consisting of two parents raising children, a group of individuals living under one roof, or a group of people with familial relations to each other. These are the modern definitions of family – just to name a few.

As I look at the effects of this pandemic of coronavirus, I've realized that there are many who feel isolated and alone because of social distancing. Many have family members who live far away and being quarantined in itself is hard to adjust to in such a brief time. But if God will take care of the birds in the air, imagine how much more will He take care of those who love Him and are made in His image.

As I reminisce about my childhood, I am reminded of how it was to share space with eleven people –– and being the youngest, I can remember how it felt as each member began to leave. Whether they were getting married, going off to college, joining the military or just moving away to start their own family. I remember how lonely I felt to have them all start to leave.

Being a part of the family of God is the greatest blessing bestowed upon believers and one that should drive us to our knees in humble adoration. My parents were very strong about family unity, but they were also believers who put their trust in God more than family and I'm thankful forever them teaching me what family really means –– being a part of the Kingdom.

When I was 18 years old, I became a single mother and the youngest of all eight siblings to become a single parent. They really didn't know or were aware of the obstacles that we faced because this was new to them. Because of my parents teaching me to put my trust in God more, I was willing to give Him a try.

God's family is scattered among the earth. The head of His family is Father God, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit our comforter. No matter where we find ourselves, God knows where His children are, and will send them to see about each other. He is always with us and sometimes we are even in the presence of his angels.

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it". Hebrews 13:2

God wants the best for His children and in the family of God, everything is working together for good. All we have to do is trust and wait on His timing. We must study His word daily and stand on his promises.

In the gospel of John, Jesus describes Himself as a tree –– the tree of Life. He teaches that He is the vine and we are the branches, and if we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit.

John 15:7 reads, "if you remain in me, and my words remain in you – ask whatever you wish, and it will be given."

It is truly an honor and a privilege to be a member of the body of Christ. There is no greater gift than this for it is a gift of love, mercy, and grace to be called sons and daughters of the Living God.

God's arms are always open for more to join his family, respond to His invitation today with one word: Yes!

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