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  • Writer's pictureKirby Keita

There is a Cure

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

Lately, the entire world has been consumed with the corona virus, weather there will be a vaccine or some type of medicine to treat the disease. This disease is so powerful until it has shut down the entire economy, and for those who has to work on the front lines, feel like there is not enough protection to treat the overwhelming number of patients they have to care for.

Yet, there are many who are out of work because of the spread of the virus, and are facing the challenge of keeping food on their tables and a roof over their heads. The effect of this disease is subtle because its impossible to tell whose really infected .

As I was pondering over this crisis we are facing as a nation, I realized that this disease is not the worst case scenario because this too shall pass, but there is a disease far greater than this. Yes , its called the sin sick soul. Sin is a disease, but with this disease there is a cure, and once cured from this disease, you will receive great benefits, and these benefits one should not pass up.

In the book of 2 Kings chapter 5, there is a man by the name of Namaan who has Leprosy. Leprosy is a disease that attacks the nervous system, and will cause deformity over a period of time. Leprosy is also a contagious disease. Namaan was a commander of Syria's army who had won many battles, But not even his enemies would trade places with him because of this terrible disease. God's chosen people, the Israelite's ,were taken into captivity by the Assyrians.

Yes, because the Israelite's had began to worship idol gods, God allowed the Assyrians to take them into captivity. There was a young girl (a slave Israelite girl) who served Namaans wife. When the young girl heard about Namaans disease, she told his wife "if only he was in the presence of the prophet in Samaria, he would be healed from Leprosy".

The prophet Elisha was living among God's people in Samaria as God representative emphasizing grace, life and hope. Even though God's people had abandon Him, He never left them. God' mercy endures forever. Naaman was invited to Samaria to meet Elisha.

Elisha's instructions to Naaman was to wash and be clean. Naaman was to dip in the Jordan river seven times and he would be healed. Of course this was hard for Namaan to do, it was hard for him to humble himself, and follow the instructions of the prophet Elisha, but finally he obeyed God's prophet ,and was made clean. From this experience Naaman testified that Israel's God is the true and living God.

Today, Jesus is speaking to God's people. He's knocking at our hearts to invite Him in. Jesus wants to heal us from this disease of sin which has ruin so many lives. He has poured out his grace, life and hope for us on Calvary's cross where He gave His life as a ransom. He then sent the Comforter (Holy Spirit) to live in our hearts to guide us through life.

For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

If we are not healed from this sin sick disease, we will not have eternal life.

Jesus answered and said to Nicodemus, "Most assuredly I say unto you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God". John 3:3

We must remember that there is nothing too hard for God. He never fails. God wants us to trust and obey Him, just as Naaman did ____
We serve a risen savior, the living God, and He lives within our hearts!!

What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

Be healed today.

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1 comentario

Ms. V
Ms. V
29 abr 2020

This is right on time Sis. Kirby! A great reminder while dealing with the corona disease that the blood of Jesus has cleansed us! What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

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