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  • Writer's pictureTaiwana McKinney

Through His Eyes

We have all heard the saying “apple of my eye” at one time or another. The speaker could be referring to their children, their spouse, their pet or anyone or anything they hold in high value. This saying means: something treasured, the light of someone’s eye, one’s pride and joy, deeply loved and admired. It is someone or something you’re proud of. It is someone or something that one cherishes above all others.

I heard a song by Brit Nicole on the radio the other day entitled “Through Your Eyes”. Some of the chorus is as follows: “cause you stood right there and then you broke apart the lies, you told me I had something beautiful inside. You brought to life the part of me I thought had died. Cause you stood right there until I saw me through your eyes, I saw me. I saw me through your eyes (saw me). I saw me through your eyes. The writer is saying that she finally stopped believing lies and started seeing herself beautiful just as God sees her and created her. She does not have to hold her head down anymore. She realized true love once she truly accepted His love. She can now live in freedom and be who she is supposed to be. This is a great song! I encourage you to go to YouTube or your favorite Christian station and check it out if you haven’t heard it already.

As I was listening to this song, I began to ask myself these questions: Do I see me through His eyes? Do I see me as He see me? Do I see myself fearfully and wonderfully made, do I see myself healed, whole and set free? Do I see myself strong and powerful in the Lord? Do I see myself valuable? Do I see myself as the apple of His eye? How we see with our eyes shapes our perception of our world around us including self perception. It is a powerful and wonderful thing to know that God looks at us with eyes of love, we are at the center of His eye. It is humbling to know that even with all the people of the world He watches over He still has the ability to have each of us as the apple of His eye individually.

I know many women who are confident and free of past hurts and mistakes because they realize who they are in the Lord. They know that they are the apple of His eye. They see themselves as He sees them. They see themselves whole and complete in Him. But on the other hand, I have met women who weren’t so confident. They felt forgotten, overlooked, unimportant, hurt, disappointed with relationships and life, they felt weak. Why did they feel this way? Because they were believing the lies about themselves and God because of what they had gone through. They were getting their thoughts and emotions tangled up. I am in no way discrediting anyone's negative life experiences; Lord knows I have had my share of them and will continue to have them. But we have got to learn to take those pains, hurts, setbacks, and disappointments to the Lord and let Him bring healing through His word and began to believe what He says about us. We can be who and what He says about us and we can have what He says we can have. Maybe you are feeling down and out about the way your life has turned out and have negative thoughts of yourself and possess a negative self-image. I declare and decree today that you will rise up and see yourself as God sees you. You are the apple of His eye. You are valuable. You do matter. Your life matters. You are here on purpose for a purpose. Get in His word and learn what He says about you. Seek Him in prayer, He will reveal to you who you are to be in Him. Don’t worry about being perfect, He does not want perfection ( as a matter of fact, scripture says “There’s not one totally good person on earth, not one who is truly pure and sinless – Ecclesiastes 7:20 The Message), He just want your heart.

When we can see ourselves through His eyes, we can then began to see others through His eyes as well and we will be less likely to judge them, their mistakes, mess ups, hang-ups and issues.

I read a poem by Randy Johnson that says “You and I are the apple of God’s eye. He treasures each of us and that’s no lie.... God is a big part of my life and that makes me truly blessed. He will make your life wonderful because He is the best.

If you haven’t been seeing yourself as the apple of His eye, I challenge you to search His word, except His love and began seeing yourself through His eyes.

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