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  • Writer's pictureMs. V


In the Book of Genesis, Jehovah-Jireh or Yahweh Yireh was a place in the land of Moriah. It was the location of the binding of Isaac, where God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham named the place after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac.

Being a Christian does not mean that life will get easier. Our lives will continue to have challenges - there will be times of both sorrow and joy. When we struggle, it does not mean that God has forgotten us. We should continue to praise God and not fear what the world may bring because He cares for us in the midst of our struggles.

God is bigger than all the problems you face. You can be confident in knowing that God is with you in times of trouble! Romans 8:28 says, “God works for the good of those who love Him.” This is true always - even at times in our lives where it may not feel that way. Remember, God is always working in your life and is alongside every step you take. God cares for us and wants us to have hope in our future as seen in Jeremiah 29:11. Walk with God and trust what He has planned for you. You can be sure that He will be with you always. Nothing can separate us from love of God.


How has God helped you through struggles in your past?

Where in your life do you need to assure yourself that God is working for your good?


Starting Your Faith Journey Devotion

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